Anna Stegmann
recorder player
"...elegant, luminous, and passionate sonic poetry.“
Renate Marschall, July 2018
Lausitzer Rundschau
IN:VENTUM explores the many varied ways of recorder sound. It juxtaposes original compositions with arrangements from repertoire for other flutes such as Hosokawa’s “Atem-Lied” (Breath-Song). It makes the recorder sound poetic in pieces such such as "Austro" - which is inspired by the sounds of the Southern Hemisphere - and comes to a crazy explosive end exploring Eggert’s recorder classic “Ausser Atem” (Breathless):
A tour de force for the soloist who plays often on two instruments simultaneously, stretching what is possible on the recorder.
About wind and invention
with music by Virgiliano, Nussbaumer, Hosokawa, Eggert, Jiménez
Und die Blockflötenspielerin Anna Stegmann spielt [...] ebenso virtuos wie seelenvoll.
Dirk Kruse, July 2018
"Tafelkonfekt" on BR-Klassik radio
Fantasy and Design: two seeming opposing concepts musically unite and challenge each other in this programme embracing music from fourteen hundred to the twenty-first century. Although only one work bears the name “Fantasie”, the musical concept of an improvised thought or a written down improvisation is a returning aspect in all pieces - and so is its counterpart: a strictly designed composition and performance, which might have evolved from improvisational practice.
This programme has been recorded as digital recital during the first lockdown of the pandemic as the first season of my online concerts.
Fantasy & Design
A Solo Recorder Recital
with music by Van Eyck, Telemann, Berio, Bach
La Suave Melodia
Early 17th and 18th century music by Falconieri, Castello & more
with recorder & harpsichord, organ or other continuo instruments
"... hauntingly beautiful..."
YouTube User, October 2021
I offer programmes with early music alongside different themes with duo partners or a small continuo group.
My duo partners in the past have included harpsichordists Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya, Fabio Bonizzoni, Andrea Friggi and others.
With bassoon and dulcian player Inga Maria Klaucke and Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya I'm offering programmes in a small trio setting for our instruments, which are also documented in the second season of my digital recitals called "La Suave Melodia"
Pastorale Idyllen, königliche Konzerte & andere `Exzentrizitäten´
18th century music by Vivaldi, Couperin, J.S. Bach & more
with recorder, bassoon & harpsichord
Anna Stegmann’s beautifully eloquent recorder playing was a delight, particularly in some passages that sounded like birdsong from the rafters of the church.
Andrew Benson-Wilson, September 2019
Early Music Review+
Affects, emotions and contrasting states of mind are particularly expressively presented and made tangible in baroque music, with a great wealth of individual and national compositional styles.
We invite you to explore this diversity and its nuances with the warm sounds of diverse recorders, bassoon and harpsichord: From the balanced tempered counterpoint of Handel, whose sonatas, like 'pocket operas', contain both lively melodies and deeply melancholic moods; to Vivaldi's Venetian flair with fiery virtuosity and naively enchanting shepherd melodies, to a glimpse into the royal chambers of Versailles surrounded by the elegance of Couperin. On a tour through the musical culture of early 18th century Europe, where we will encounter surprising points of contact.