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"Stegmann proved one of the stars of the afternoon, especially with her superb performance of Vivaldi’s Concerto in C for soprano recorder which brought an added enthusiastic ovation after its virtuosic first movement." (Daily Telegraph, January 2016). She “loves the stage and her instrument and feels the music until the tip of her toes” (Stadsnieuws Tilburg 2011).
She is a passionate performer and teacher of early and contemporary recorder music, teaching workshops and masterclasses throughout the year in many  European countries and beyond. Since 2014 she is recorder professor at the Royal Academy of Music in  London, where she teaches a selected and enthusiastic group of next generation recorder players. 
Since 2013 she is co-organising the Open Recorder Days Amsterdam; a biennale which has quickly grown into one of the biggest recorder events worldwide and brings together recorder amateurs and professionals alike from across the globe.

Anna regularly tours with her own ensembles Ensemble Odyssee and The Royal Wind Music. With these ensembles and as a soloist she has recorded Cds for the labels Glossa, Pan Classics, Lindoro and others. She also fosters a close musical relationship with violinist Jorge Jiménez - a duo which explores all music from the middle ages to the present day in exciting new concert formats.  As a guest musician and soloist she has appeared in renowned ensembles such as La Risonanza (Fabio Bonizzoni), L'Arpeggiata (Christina Pluhar), Musica Sequenza  (Burak Özdemir), The New Dutch Academy (Simon Murphy) , the Rotterdams Philarmonisch Orkest (led by Jordi Savall and Peter Dijkstra).

Anna began her journey as recorder player by taking private lessons with Gudula RosaStudies with Winfried Michel (Musikhoschchule Münster and Musikakademie Kassel) followed, before she settled in Amsterdam, where she studied with Paul Leenhouts and obtained her Master of Music with  distinction in 2011. 
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Awards & Scholarships

>>> GWK Förderpreis 2007, Competition for Contemporary Music Cracow 2007, International Montreal Recorder Competition 2009, Gerd Bucerius Stipendium / Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben 2008 & 2009 Linkprijs 2011, Van Wassenaar Concours 2011, Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds 2011, Concert Artist Guild 2014 (finalist)


>>> Melbourne Recital Centre, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Sydney Festival, MA-Festival Brugge, Trigonale Festival, Boston Early Music Festival, Greenwich Early Music Festival, Tage Alter Musik Berlin, Thüringer Bachwochen, Barockfestspiele Bad Arolsen, Musikfestspiele Potsdam, Spectrum New York, Tanna Schulich Hall Montreal, Traumzeit Festival, Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht, Semana de Musica Cuenca, Musica Sacra Maastricht, Summerwinds Festival, Holland Festival, Música Antiga de Loulé, Händelhaus Halle, Georgian Concert Society Edinburgh a.o.


>>> Royal Academy of Music London, Royal Northern College of Music, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Jackdaws Educational Trust, Recorder Courses Lyme Regis, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Wells Cathedral School, Chetham's School of Music Manchester, Blockflötenshop Fulda, IAM - Internationaler Arbeitskreis für Musik, Blokfluitdagen Mechelen, Orpheus Recorder Boutique Armidale, Australia

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